Sıkça Sorulan Sorular - Santral Anonsu Nedir? Nasıl Olmalıdır?

Telephone switchboards are now indispensable for offices. In addition to simplifying telephone traffic, the power plant systems used as prestige vehicles allow you to add something to yourself in the launch of your company with the feature of waiting music.

For the customer who calls you, the voice on the phone is important for the presentation of your company.

My Prodüksiyon, which works continuously to produce professional solutions for your waiting music needs, prepares special plant welcome announcements and holding music for your company.

The voice response system and centralized announcements, which have become a necessity in every big company today, are also required for your company. The voice, telephone announcement, presentation and sincerity your customer will hear on the phone is important for your brand.

We provide complete voice center voiceover services (voice response system voiceover, holding music, greeting announcement, etc.) services at the same time as the world with Interactive Voice Response or known name, using the Voice Response System features and taking the operator steps of the telephone exchange robot one step further. no matter which province, we bring the central voiceover service to your location.

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Labels:  station announcement,  announce announcement, ivr announce, plant music