How to Prepare Advertising Strategy?
the @myproduksiyo2018-06-18T16:09:10+03:00Reklamlar, ürün ve hizmetleri satın alma konusunda potansiyel müşterileri ikna etmek için hazırlanır. Reklam stratejisiyse, bu reklamları en etkili biçimde nasıl hazırlayacağımız ve yayınlayacağımız konularını kapsar. Reklam stratejimiz, firmamızın kamuya gösterdiği yüzdür diyebiliriz ve bütçesi ufak olan küçük bir firma da, üzerinde yeterince düşündüğü takdirde etkili bir reklam kampanyası tasarlayabilir. İyi bir reklam stratejisinin püf noktası, esnek ve yaratıcı bir planlamayla, hedef kitlesi ve o hedef kitlesine yönelik mecra seçimi hakkında doğru bilgiye sahip olmaktır.
Genel olarak bakacak olursak, reklam stratejimizi üç temel amaç için hazırlayabiliriz.
1- Creating awareness about a company and its products or services
2- Increase sales and grab clients from competing companies
3- Firma veya marka imajı çalışmaları yapmak
Yani, firmalar reklamlarla bilgi verme, ikna etme ve tüketiciye kendilerini hatırlatma amacı taşırlar. Bu amaçlara ulaşmak için hazırlayacağımız bir reklam stratejisinde bazı temel aşamalar vardır ve bu aşamalar, reklam hazırlama sürecini pazarlama hedeflerimiz ve diğer tanıtım faaliyetlerimizle birleştirmemizi sağlar.
Basic Stages in Advertising Strategies
Eğer firmamız yeni bir firmaysa, reklamlarımızın temel hedefi ürünlerimiz ve firmamız hakkında farkındalık yaratmaktır. Firmamızın adını sektör içinde iyi biçimde duyurduktan ve ürünlerimizin pazarda sağlam biçimde yer almasını sağladıktan sonra, reklamlara daha az yatırım yapabiliriz; çünkü, bu aşamaya geldiğimizde, özellikle bizim ürünlerimizi tercih eden bir müşteri kitlesi muhtemelen oluşmuş olacaktır.
Burada yapmamız gereken ilk şey, ürün veya hizmetimizi belirli bir biçimde konumlandırmaktır. Günümüzde, sadece tek bir firma tarafından satılan bir ürün olması ihtimali çok düşüktür. O yüzden, biz mesela porselen ürünler üretiyorsak, bizi diğer porselen üreticilerinden ayıran özellik veya değer nedir ve tüketiciler neden bir başka markayı değil de bizi tercih etmelidir, önce bununla ilgili bir tema, içerik ve ifade biçimi geliştirmemiz gerekir. Bunu yaparken, yaratıcı olmamız ve pazardaki yeni trend ve gelişmelere ayak uydurmak konusunda esnek bir planlama yapmamız gerekir.
1- Determining Target Audience
When we say the target group, we may be talking about a group within a given framework or a group that includes several different groups. Our target audience may be people who buy our product, people who do not buy our product themselves, but have a position that decides to buy that product, or they may be people (children, spouses, partners, friends, etc.) who influence the purchase of a person. In general, we need to set three criteria:
a- Demographic elements, Age, gender, profession, income, interests and abstract values that groups can have in intellectual sense
b- Behavior, Consumer awareness of the firm, what products the consumer uses when and how, and what kinds of items or offers can be tempted to convince the consumer to use or experiment with our own products
c- Needs and Requests Here, both in terms of practical use in everyday life as well as a value added to the person with the product should make an assessment. After that, we must develop a message that our product can meet these demands and needs.
D- Product Concept, Product concept, when we say, at the beginning of our article, which separates us from other companies features or values should come to mind the stage of expression. If we position our product in a specific manner within the sector, we determine the values that our product represents and how our target audience will perceive that product. Here, we need to create a group of values that will appeal to the consumer or match them, and thus, we should be the only product of our product.
2- Media Selection
When choosing the media we will publish, we need to take into account our marketing objectives, budget and the characteristics of our target audience. Digital media, television, newspaper, magazine, radio, post, billboard and outdoor are some of the common channels we can use for our advertisements. Once we have carefully determined our environment, we need to set a time frame for our ad to run. Here, in a day, week, month, or year, (one or all of them may be a combination of) a period of time to determine the time period, we should publish our ads.
3- Advertising Message
The advertising message is a combination of our marketing goals, the visual and written elements in our ad, and the features and values our product possesses. Here are 3 items that we should focus on:
a- What are the features or values that differentiate our product from the same kind of product of another brand?
b- How do we want consumers to evaluate this product? How can we convince consumers to buy the product?
c- How does consumer see competitors? What are the weak and strong points in the way our competitors are positioning themselves?
4- Written content
In preparing such content, our aim may be to provide information about our products and services or to assign a value and meaning to our product. Many companies begin to develop other elements of the ad after thinking about a slogan that combines marketing objectives with the product's key features and benefits. While it is important to create persistent ad content in mind, the value and features of our product or service are at the forefront to be more effective in turning our ad into sales. When preparing the ad text, it is the most effective way to express the message we want to communicate clearly. Of course, some ads are very complex, have a style and structure that makes people think and meaningless, and these ads can be very effective, depending on our community and our target audience. If our ad is the kind of ad that should be the title, it should be an expression that tells the consumer the theme of the ad.
5- Visual Content
When we say visual content, we are talking about all the visual elements in the advertisement such as spaces, colors, images, writing sizes and formats used in a certain logic and purpose. When considering these items, we need to take into account that the ad needs to draw attention quickly.
6- Advertising Budget
Our advertising budget can be determined before or after developing our advertising strategy. When deciding on our budget, we need to take into account how important our advertising is for us, what it will bring us if it succeeds, and of course how much money our company can allocate. Especially in small firms, it is more convenient to determine the budget first. Because when this is done, the other elements of the ad will be adjusted according to this budget and the company will not encounter surprises that will make it financially difficult. The most commonly used method of developing an advertising budget is to take into account the previous sales rate. Thus, even if our ad is ineffective, this does not result in a materially difficult result. If we are a little bigger and have a high income, we can also take into account our future sales forecasts, company savings and market share.
Analyzing Advertising Results
Small firms, in particular, tend to be quite loose in measuring the impact of their ads. Advertising is done and applied in such matters as whether a new advertisement should be made or the same advertisement should be continued. In fact, many factors, such as economic fluctuations, the inclusion of new competitors in the industry, and periodic sales changes, can reduce or increase the impact of an ad. If we do not examine the results of our ad taking into account all these elements, we may make wrong decisions such as continuing a bad and ineffective advertisement or giving up a very good advertising strategy.
Advertising Laws
When developing our advertising strategy, we must know the advertising laws for the country or media in which our ad is running. Since we can make changes to the law or add new regulations to the existing laws, we need to learn the latest regulations, laws or regulations before considering our advertising in detail.